I formally began my journey into the sexual health field in 2014 and began devouring stacks of books by many of the most renowned sex and relationship professionals; icons like Esther Perel, Emily Nagoski, Ina Park and David Ley. My podcast subscriptions were quickly overwhelmed with relationship and sexuality podcasts such as Savage Love by the incomparable Dan Savage, and Sex and Psychology by Dr. Justin Lehmiller. 

During my studies I was shocked to discover that Marriage and Family Therapists, the professionals I assumed one would go to for help with sex related issues, often have little to no training in healthy human sexuality. Further exploring led me to the Sexual Health Alliances coaching and counseling program where I knew I had found my path. Since becoming a part of SHA I have enjoyed the immense privilege of learning and working alongside the world's leading sexual health experts at the forefront of their fields. 

I strive to be non-judgmental, kind, honest and genuine. My approach uses a blend of session work and, when necessary, light ‘homework’ you can continue in between sessions to make the most of our time together, accelerate growth and foster lasting change. 

Kelsy Valentine

Sexual Health Alliance Certified Sexuality Coach & Consultant

Me after work  

I home-school my two children and it is so much fun to learn alongside them every day. I love yoga, weight lifting and have recently started the very humbling sport of golfing. When its time to chill you’ll probably find me trying to catch up on my never-ending list of shows and movies I’ve been meaning to watch. In addition to continually learning in the sexual health field I am also wrapping up my BS in Political Science and History through Oregon State University. When I am not reading books about pleasure I love reading books for pleasure. I have an entire bookshelf of just-for-fun books that I WILL have time to read one day, (and that never stops me from buying more!) My husband and I love to cook together, and spend our date nights trying new and fun restaurants in the area.

Sex Coaching and Counseling Certified with the Sexual Health Alliance

Kink Informed Practitioner Certified at SHA lead by Midori, (Dubbed the “kink supernova” by Dan Savage)

Problematic Sexual Behavior Certified under David Ley and Micheal Vigorito

Conferences -

Engaging with the Media

SHA goes WYLD conference

Cannabis, Psychedelics and Sex

SAR - Sexual Attitude Reassessment to discover and work through my own sexual biases, beliefs and attitudes as a care provider.