
  • Sex Positive Approach

  • Relationship Coaching

  • Holistic Life Coaching

  • LGBTQIA+ icon


  • Alternative Relationship Styles & Kink

  • Pregnancy & Parenting

Sex Positive Relationship Coaching

Develop skills to build a stronger and more enjoyable relationship through daily connection and intimacy on every level; improving communication and allowing you to handle challenges with ease. We will create a shared vision for your life and relationship together, then learn the tools to bring that vision to life! I provide an inclusive and safe space for individuals and couples at every stage of their sexual relationship. Sex and intimacy should be celebrated! We work together to create focused solutions to improve areas that are not serving you and expand the things already bringing you joy and pleasure. In couples coaching expect to work towards mutual understanding, trust and connection that will allow a cohesive blending of your erotic identities. You don’t need to be in a relationship to benefit from coaching either! Are you dating? Newly divorced? Freshly engaged? All of these times have their unique ups and downs that can be more enjoyably navigated with the right tools.  


We have only just begun to develop language that accurately describes individuals in ways that feel comfortable for them. This is amazing progress! However, not everyone fits or wants to fit neatly into clearly defined labels. My training and experience encompasses a beautiful spectrum of queerness, sexuality, and gender identities. Humans connect with each other in so many incredible ways and each possesses unique possibilities, benefits and possible sources of conflict. As a sex positive LGBTQIA+ informed coach, I can help!

Alternative Relationship Styles & Kink

Do you want to live your life by your own rules? The world is a playground and today more individuals, couples and more-somes are embracing a broad spectrum of relationship styles as well as exploring their kinks and sexual interests. Ethically non-monogamous relationships are much more common than many realize and like monogamous relationships, all of these are different and unique. Polyamory, consensual non-monogamy, threesomes, swinging, the possibilities are endless! Finding your ideal relationship style can bring an immense amount of excitement, love, friendships, and connection. I work with a wide variety of relationship structures and am familiar with the challenges they may bring. Thinking about opening up your relationship? I can assist in helping you develop a clear picture of why you want what you want, what you are comfortable with, as well as what is realistic and achievable in the broader context of your existing relationship. 


As a kink informed coach, I have created a safe and inclusive space to discuss, talk through, and learn about existing or new kinks, fantasies and desires. It can be difficult to bring up a new sexual interest to a partner for fear of rejection, shame or stigma. Together we will learn how to embrace your kinks and learn how to make your fantasies a reality in a safe and enjoyable manner.

Sex Positive Parenting

One of the most universal concerns I hear from fellow parents is, “How can I teach my kids about their bodies and sex when I still have so many questions, where do I even start?!” I understand if the thought of talking to your children about sex is daunting, particularly if you did not receive a comprehensive sex education during your adolescence. The good news is you can learn along the way and don’t need all the answers right now. Research has demonstrated sex-ed is more effective when presented as many small talks that are part of an ongoing dialogue throughout life. No matter how old your children are, there are easy steps you can take to establish that open line of communication so they will always come to you with their questions. 

Becoming a family will almost surely have an impact on your sex life, but it certainly does not have to mean the end of it! When children are little, it often feels difficult enough to make sure everyone is getting enough sleep and eating regularly that it seems near impossible to give any time to intimacy with yourself or others. You can have an amazing sex life at all stages of parenthood, from pregnancy to raising teenagers. Together we will create realistic expectations and solid routines to ensure this time in life brings you more in touch with your evolving self and, if you have one, strengthens the bond with your partner.

Sexual Health Education

So many people I speak with were let down as adolescents by their school's lack of a quality sex-ed program, or by their families who often didn’t have the right information or simply wouldn't talk about it. Abstinence-only or fear-based education programs were the standard when most of us were growing up, and sadly still are in many schools. Many leave grade school with a narrow understanding of developing bodies and sexuality, without hearing diverse voices, and a clear concept of what ‘normal’ sex is supposed to be like. In my opinion, normal is the root of a lot of shame experienced in life. During our youth we also begin to be aware of society's rigid, flawed and conflicting expectations of what it is to be masculine or feminine. Those ideals can become seated very deeply; impacting how we engage with the world around us more than we realize.

During sex positive coaching sessions, we will fill in gaps and dispel myths or misinformation that may be persisting from your introduction to sexuality. Gaining knowledge and confidence to discuss sex will help you get more from your sex life and your relationship with your body throughout life. Learn to fully understand topics such as menstruation, your birth control options, fertility, pregnancy and birth, maintaining a healthy pelvic floor, and navigating sexuality through menopause, decreasing testosterone and other life changes. 

Holistic Life Coaching

Would you laugh out loud if someone asked you, “Do you have your sh*t together?” Are you struggling with feelings of being stretched too thin, being ‘stuck’, or overwhelmed? Sometimes life's many, MANY responsibilities can leave us feeling like we are barely surviving at the end of each day, and finding ourselves in a rut that feels impossible to break out of. Managing your career, running your household, building family connections, working towards personal health goals, self-care, connecting with your partner(s), the demands on our time and mental bandwidth stack up quickly. Seeing your life through the eyes of a qualified outside source can give the clarity needed to create and implement a step-by-step plan to manage your time and achieve your goals. Together, we will build healthy routines and develop habits to live a more balanced life that allows you to tackle large projects and navigate life's transitions with mindfulness and intention.

Want to learn more?

Contact me or Schedule an appointment today.